'Death, Dying, and Dessert' Discussion Group at Livonia Civic Center Library

Click to enlarge flyer. Have you ever wanted to talk about a funeral or a friend’s passing but couldn’t find anyone to listen? How about planning ahead and letting people know about your own wishes for end-of-life care? These and other topics are encouraged at Livonia’s new “Death, Dying, and Dessert” discussion group, which began in October, and will continue the second Monday of each month through April 2016. The group will meet in the Michigan Room of the Civic Center Library from 7 – 8:30 p.m. All are welcome. Tea, coffee, and cake are provided, and there is no charge. Across the country, similar groups have sprung up that promote open conversation about death and dying, including the very popular “Death Café” and the less well-known “Death and Dying Dinner Parties.” Church and community groups have begun offering advance directives workshops and adult education classes about planning ahead. “These groups recognize that death, once accepted as a part of life, has become a...