Volunteer Spotlight: Joyce Doyle

Name: Joyce Doyle How long have you been a volunteer? About a year. What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer? Patient care in the Care Center. What made you decide to become a volunteer ? My mom was here [at the Angela Hospice Care Center]. She passed away in January 2014 and I just thought it was such a great sanctuary for people to be. Joyce volunteers in the Angela Hospice Care Center. What is your favorite part about volunteering? Learning from the patients. What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering? There is a patient here, he says very little, but there are some times when he reacts, and the most he’s ever said to me is “Howdy!” But if I take his picture from when he was in the Air Force and I show it to him, he laughs and laughs. He’s adorable.