Volunteer Spotlight: Kathryn Trudeau

Name: Kathryn Trudeau How long have you been a volunteer? A year-and-a-half. What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer? Patient care in the Care Center, sings in the choir, memorial services, funeral home visits, events, and mailings. What made you decide to become a volunteer? I just felt like this was a great organization and I wanted to help out. What is your favorite part about volunteering? I like to assist the nurses when they need help in the Care Center. The other thing I like is speaking with grieving families and listening to the stories they want to relate. Or even when I’m just helping people eat during dinner time in the Care Center. Sometimes you can learn about their life and there’s always something interesting about everyone. Kathryn (second from right) performing with the Angela Hospice choir at Tree of Life. What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering? The choir was singing i...