Volunteer Spotlight: Barbara Keppen

Name: Barbara Keppen How long have you been a volunteer? 12 years. What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer? Helps in bereavement and does occasional mailings. What made you decide to become a volunteer? I lost my husband and so I know what they’re all going through. If I can be any help in the bereavement department to make it easier for them…it’s a wonderful thing. Why Angela Hospice? Because of losing my husband. I saw the ad for volunteers and came in. Then once I did the training I decided I wanted to get into the bereavement department. I got into the office part of it and it’s very rewarding. Barbara (left) with Angela Hospice staff, Margaret Levine. What is your favorite part about volunteering? Just everything. It’s a wonderful organization and everyone is so nice. I just love it. Walking into this place is like getting a big hug. What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering?...