Angela Hospice nurse making a difference throughout the world

One of our amazing home care nurses, Rachel Nelson, is collecting gently used sneakers and athletic shoes to help out orphans and families in developing nations. You can help her toward her goal of gathering 2,500 pairs of shoes! Just drop off your gently worn athletic shoes to Angela Hospice between now and the end of July. Both child and adult sizes will be collected. The shoes will be sold to Sneakers4Funds, a group that ships shoes to micro-entrepreneurs in developing nations so that they can run a small business and support their families. Proceeds from the sale to Sneakers4Funds will be contributed to America World Adoption, serving the basic needs of orphaned children in nine countries around the world. “I’ve always had a heart for orphans,” Rachel said. “And, I like how this will give others the chance to rise up out of poverty.” Rachel knows it’s usually businesses or organizations that attempt to hold shoe-drives with a goal as large as 2,500 pairs, but she wa...