Volunteer Spotlight: Joe McCauley

Name: Joe McCauley How long have you been a volunteer? Three years. What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer? Patient care in home care and nursing homes. What made you decide to become a volunteer? I had some extra time on my hands after I retired, and my mother was a nurse and my wife was a nurse, and I was a mailman so I’m a service-oriented type of person, and I thought that perhaps I would be of some comfort to some people. So I thought I would look into this and that’s what I did. Why Angela Hospice? I just happened to be around here, it’s in the area. My wife actually worked for Trinity and she wondered, “Why did you go to Angela’s instead of us?” (laughs) Angela’s was what was available at the time so I went over here. What is your favorite part about volunteering? To have given some comfort to some patients or their families. So much of it depends on the circumstances too. Some people you have more of a rapport wit...