Volunteer Spotlight: Elaine Kokko

Name: Elaine Kokko How long have you been a volunteer? Four years. What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer? Bereavement, memorials, the Holiday Children’s Workshop, makes salads for weekly Caregiver Suppers, development, mailings, and annual events. What made you decide to become a volunteer? One of my good friends is a nurse on B-wing in the Care Center and I wanted to give back. What is your favorite part about volunteering? The people that I work with, that I volunteer with. The social workers in the Bereavement Department are really wonderful. When you walk into Angela Hospice it’s just a wonderful place to be. Elaine (center) at last year's Volunteer Appreciation dinner. What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering? Oh gosh, they are all favorite moments. (laughs) There isn’t really a favorite moment…just the fact that I’m so honored to be able to wear the badge.