Tiny, but fierce

Layla Simpson with her mom, Amanda, while Layla was a patient of Angela Hospice’s My Nest is Best Pediatric Program . This donor-supported program helps children to receive expert care for terminal illnesses, while remaining in the comfort of home, with family and loved ones to support them. by Dana Casadei If Layla Simpson cries and it sounds different than usual, her mom, Amanda, wonders if Layla will be alive the next day. “I know that sounds dramatic but it’s kind of where we are at,” Amanda said. After you learn about Layla, who was born with a very rare birth defect called an encephalocele and is an Angela Hospice patient, it doesn’t sound so dramatic anymore. The 20-week ultrasound is where the Simpsons’ emotional roller-coaster began. That ultrasound, also known as the anatomy scan, is where many parents often get the first glimpse of their child, and photos of their pro...