A Wish Come True

When Sister Marie Andrew Budinski learned that Frank Brown’s dying wish was to see the chapel of the Felician Sisters, she quickly began making preparations for his visit. Angela Hospice’s director of spiritual care Diane McDonald accompanied Frank along with his wife Ann, son Bob, and volunteer Kari, to a warm welcome by the Sisters. Sister Mary Serra Szalaszewicz shared with them the history of the design and décor of the chapel. Afterward Sister Mary Madeleine Dolan accompanied on organ as the other Sisters sang the blessing of St. Francis to Mr. Brown. The group witnessed a most touching moment during the visit when Frank, with the aid of his son, stood up from his wheelchair on his bare and swollen feet in order to kneel at the altar railing. "Only God knew his prayer, but those present perceived his deep faith," Sister Andrew reflected. After the visit, the Sisters escorted their grateful visitors down the sunlit corridor on their way back to Angela Hospice....