Volunteer Spotlight: Vickie Krause

Name: Vickie Krause

How long have you been a volunteer?
Three years

What areas do you work in/what tasks do you do as a volunteer?
Patient and family care in the Care Center.

What made you decide to become a volunteer?
That's really interesting because until I became a volunteer I had no idea Angela Hospice existed or hospice existed. I retired rather unexpectedly from teaching and then found myself praying, "Now what do I do?" I kept saying, "Please use my talents." Doors just started opening and it led me here. It's just amazing. Absolutely amazing, and it is a wonderful fit. I am blessed beyond belief.

Why Angela Hospice?
I think that's one of the doors (that opened). I read the Observer periodically and for some reason I saw an ad or something about needing volunteers. So I called and one thing led to the other. I went through the classes and it was just absolutely amazing. My eyes were open. Wow.

What is your favorite part about volunteering? 
That's really tough. I think it's probably dual. I enjoy sitting with family members and just listening because some just need to talk. I also enjoy listening to the patients because they all have a story to tell. I'm just enthralled by listening to what they have to say.

What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering?
Well there's one that kind of stands out immediately. One of the patients celebrated a 100th birthday and I got to be part of that, and it was pretty special. That doesn't happen every day. That would probably be one of the standout moments.

I would say overall the thing that has just touched me is the people here. It's such a happy place. That surprised me. It surprises everyone else in public when you tell them about volunteering at hospice and they go, "Oh, I couldn't do that." It's a happy place and just the respect and dignity that's shown to the patients…it's awesome. Absolutely awesome.


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