Where There is No Cure, There is a Mother's Hope

Hiatham Breadiy and his mother, Azeza. The first thing you notice about Azeza Breadiy is her immense determination and focus. Her firstborn son, Hiatham, has a severe form of epilepsy called Lafora Disease. This disease typically doesn’t manifest itself until adolescence. Children grow up normally, with no perceivable problems until they begin to suffer with seizures. Hiatham is 15 and was recently diagnosed with Lafora. From manifestation, which is normally the first seizure, a Lafora victim will die typically within 10 years. There is no cure. Therapy is primarily palliative and aimed at reducing seizures. This is when Angela Hospice stepped in to support the Breadiy family. Social Worker Amanda Davis Amanda Davis is Hiatham’s Angela Hospice social worker. She has teamed up with Azeza and the family to help find community resources for the many things they need to keep Hiatham comfortable. The Breadiy family has three other children, Sophie, age 11; Gehad, ...