Volunteer Spotlight: Susan Bizon

A weekly feature where you can get to know some of our volunteers.

Name: Susan Bizon
How long have you been a volunteer? 
Between five and six years.

What areas do you work in/what tasks do you do as a volunteer?
•  Helped with patient care in the old Care Center
•  Bakes Pizzelle cookies for families and residents at the Care Center

What made you decide to become a volunteer?
When my sister-in-law was very ill I was her main caregiver. And once Sarah passed away, which was about six years ago, I kind of sat back and said, you know what? She did so much more for me than I did for her… kind of a friend led me here. Then I talked to Syndie and took the classes and it’s felt like home here ever since.

What is your favorite part about volunteering?
Just being around the patients and just feeling everything that they have to give. It's very rewarding in that area.

What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering?
In the old Care Center there was a lady that I kind of formed this relationship with and came to visit her. We would do everything from watching baseball games together to listening to music to listening to her vent about all her woes and her gripes for the day. My husband and I even came to spend Christmas Eve with her one year. She passed away shortly after but I just felt a real connection and a real kinship with this lady.


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