Volunteer Spotlight: Cecilia Hartsock

Name: Cecilia Hartsock

How long have you been a volunteer?
Five years.

What areas do you work in/what sort of tasks do you do as a volunteer?
Clerical work, baking, needlework, mailings, and hospitality.

What made you decide to become a volunteer?
My mother was in hospice care at St. Mary’s for about five days…Just the information they gave us, they told us what to expect so we could tell when the time was getting closer. I told them when I retire that I would become a volunteer and it worked out.

Why Angela Hospice?
I’ve been very, very impressed, especially with this new facility. I’ve seen several people that I’ve known from my parish go through this system and how much it’s helped them. It’s such a beautiful facility and they make them so comfortable. Then all the volunteers and the staff are so friendly. It’s very worthwhile.

Cecilia at the Walk of Remembrance mailing.
What is your favorite part about volunteering?
Even though I don’t work with the patients, you just see how it impacts the family and how appreciative they are. It gives you some self-satisfaction that you’re doing something worthwhile.

And meeting other people. I’ve gotten to be good friends with a few of them. I don’t want to be retired and just stay at home all day -- that would drive me crazy.

What is one of your favorite stories or memories from volunteering?
I don’t necessarily have one because I’m usually in the background. I don’t work with the patients. I guess it would be more just the friendships I’ve gained from it.

But when I do the time sheets for volunteers I am very impressed with how much time a lot of people do donate here. It’s a lot.


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